The Boy

The Boy

Poster for the movie "The Boy"
Poster for the movie "The Boy"

The Boy (2016)

97 min - Horror, Thriller, Mystery - 22 January 2016
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An American nanny is shocked that her new English family's boy is actually a life-sized doll. After she violates a list of strict rules, disturbing events make her believe that the doll is really alive.

Director:  William Brent Bell
Writers:  Stacey Menear


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An American nanny is shocked that her new English family's boy is actually a life-sized doll. After she violates a list of strict rules, disturbing events make her believe that the doll is really alive.

Collections: William Brent Bell

Genres: Horror, Thriller, Mystery


Official Website: 
Language:  English
Release Date:  22 January 2016

Box Office

Company Credits

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 37 min