WB Possibly Cancelling Release Of ‘The Flash’

WB Possibly Cancelling Release Of ‘The Flash’

WB Cancelling Flash Movie

Ezra Miller Erratic Behavior

With the current controversies surrounding actor Ezra Miller, fans have been anxious to know what will happen with The Flash.

The aforementioned events also took place after a video surfaced where Ezra Miller allegedly choked a fan.

The choices they’re contemplating come after reports that Ezra Miller is now being accompanied by their mother.

It’s been stated that MillerWill seek professional help after returning home to their farm in Vermont after being away.” And, assuming all goes well, Ezra Miller would proceed to give an interview explaining all of their actions andTheir erratic behavior over the past few years.” This would be followed byLimited pressfor The Flash ahead of a theatrical release date as planned.

The second option, interestingly enough, includes Warner Bros releasing the film regardless of whether or not Ezra Miller seeks help.

Miller would be recast from the role after the film’s release.

As the controversies surrounding Ezra Miller continue, we’ll just have to see what happens.